USPS Updates Requirements for Shipping Cremated Remains


Effective March 1, 2025, the United States Postal Service (USPS), the only option for shipping cremated remains, is updating its shipping requirements for all cremated remains, including ashes, keepsakes and jewelry. There are several changes including:

Cremated Remains Packaging Kits

The USPS will now require mailers shipping human or animal cremated remains to be shipped in the Cremated Remains packaging kits supplied by the Postal Service. Previously, mailers were permitted to use any box if it was marked with Label 139. The new requirements are intended to improve visibility and enhance handling methods throughout processing and transportation.

The Cremated Remains Kits can be ordered free of charge from the Postal Store on You can visit your local Post Office to have the package shipped. However, Created Remains Kits cannot be obtained from the local post office. It is suggested that as a provider you may want to have a couple kits on hand so that you can ship cremated remains when needed.

USPS Updates Terminology for Cremated Remains

The USPS also modified the language it uses to describe cremated remains. Previously, the language simply stated that mailing restrictions and procedures applied to human and animal ashes. The new instructions now state, “Human or animal cremated remains in any state (e.g., ashes, keepsakes and jewelry) are permitted for mailing with restrictions, provided they are appropriately prepared according to section 451 and the following instructions.” This more specific definition now appears to encompass a broader class of cremated remains.

If you or your business ships cremated remains, keepsakes, or jewelry containing cremated remains, then you will need to update your policies and procedures for shipping. You can see the entire Cremated Remains Packaging Requirements Final Rule here.


About The Travel Plan by Inman

The Travel Plan by Inman is a travel protection product that offers the purchaser peace of mind in knowing loved ones will not have to worry about details or transportation costs should they die away from home. Every Travel Plan is backed by insurance and utilizes Inman’s network of vetted service providers.

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